My Personal Space in the World

A young Black woman, mother to four children, trying to find some kind of existence in this vast space called earth.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Unnecessary Drama

It has definitely been a while since I've posted. I've been so involved in school that I just didn't have the time. This has been my most intense semester so far and I'm not trying to see my GPA lowered so I had to eliminate all negative aspects from my life. That didn't include my blog but it did include my "so-called" significant other!

He surrounds himself in so much drama that when I'm in school, I have to limit my contact with him. If I don't, he tries to draw me into his drama with his ex. I care for him deeply but the love that I had for him seems to diminish a little as each day goes by. It is to the point to where I literally had to cut down my telephone and intimate interaction with him so that I could focus on my studies. It is really a shame because I shouldn't have to regulate my partner to the back burner but until he learns to eliminate chaos from his life, I can't have that negative energy in my life.

Life is too short for the unnecessary drama.